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Meet the Speaker: Adam Chappell

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Adam Chappell

Adam Chappell farms 8,000 acres in northeast Arkansas growing corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and a mix of small grains. Along with his brother Seth, the Chappell's have envisioned agricultural management their part of the world, jumping into the world of soil health to fend off herbicide resistant weeds and precariously thin profit margins. Adam was recently featured in a Farm Journal article where he was quoted saying:

"Call it soil health conservation, sustainable, regenerative, or any other buzzword of the day - frankly, I don't care. My savings have been incredible, and I just call my farming what it is: survival and profitability."

You can read the Farm Journal article here.

Join us on Jan. 27, 2021 at 11:10 AM to watch Adam Chappell's presentation: Plant Intensification and Profit vs. Yield


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